Ebony Muller is a performance artist, researcher and casual academic within the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University, where they recently received their PhD. Ebony’s research centres on the field of feminist ethics, known as the ‘ethics of care’ and its application within artistic dance practice, specifically dance/movement improvisation and through the methodologies of practice-led research.

Ebony is passionate about inclusive and caring dance practice, performance and education, and incorporates these themes into their work in various modalities. Their interest in care is sustained by their embodied experience as a queer, South Asian diasporic and multiethnic person living with chronic physical and mental illness, which enacts implicitly, but forcefully, in their work.

Ebony primarily develops and facilitates embodied improvised encounters – whether with or for performers, participants or audience. Their work explores responsive behaviours and operations within these formats, utilising movement and sound(ing) to induce the therapeutic, cathartic or ecstatic in their work.

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